Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Know about Renal Atrophy

Renal Atrophy is a medical condition describing the shrinkage of one or both kidneys. Renal Atrophy happens when there is a poor blood circulation or loss of nephrons. It is associated with the most serious consequences called Renal Failure.

What cause atrophic kidneys?

As the Renal Atrophy occurs, you need to think about if it is caused by congenital renal dysplasia, kidney disease or urinary tract obstruction. Ischemia, reflux nephropathy and acute pyelonephritis etc. could also impair the kidney functions in some way.

What is the relation between Renal Atrophy and Renal Failure?

Although Renal Failure and Renal Atrophy is not the same thing, Renal Atrophy may lead to Renal Failure somehow.

Renal Failure refers to the abnormal function of kidneys, which results in wastes accumulating in human body and cannot be discharged. Plenty of causes can trigger abnormal function, some of the causes lead to Acute Renal Failure while some cause Chronic Renal Failure.

Renal Atrophy is an anatomical term, which means the size-reduction of your kidneys. When Renal Atrophy occurs, glomerulus and renal tubulus has been damaged partially or completely.

How to diagnose and treat Renal Atrophy?

Before approaching a reasonable treatment plan, we need to find out the underlying causes of your Renal Atrophy. CT scan and MRI can surely help diagnose the condition. What kind of treatment we choose mainly depends on the extent of your kidney damages. Dialysis would be involved if one is suffering from Renal Failure.

Our approach for Renal Atrophy

We adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat the Renal Atrophy from progressing to a worse condition. Through a great amount of clinical practices, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is proved to be effective on remedying Renal Atrophy.

It can repair damaged intrinsic cells along with recover renal tissues as well as restore impaired kidney functions. In addition, Immunotherapy also aids in the treatment of Renal Atrophy and made a great progress in remedying the disease.

What you can do to prevent your kidneys from being atrophy?

You must make certain changes in your life-style including:

Avoid too much alcohol or soda pop

Drink appropriate amount of water instead of too much on a daily basis.

Excessive consumption of tobacco should be cut down for your own good, because tobacco would impair your kidneys and lead to kidney diseases.

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