Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Diabetic Nephropathy: Causes and Symptoms

Why Diabetic Nephropathy attacks?

DN occurs as a result of Diabetes Mellitus. The primary disease is caused by excessive amount of glucose (also known as blood sugar), which leads to the increased internal pressure of glomerular capillary and thus urges the glomeruli to work much harder than before. A long-term overload results in the damages of glomeruli and contributes to glomerulosclerosis in the end. Data collected reveal that the GFR (Glomerular filtration rate) increases by 20%-40% in people with Diabetes, meaning Diabetes Mellitus is closely associated with glomerulosclerosis and later malfunctioned kidneys.

Five stages are divided of Diabetic Nephropathy, but the patients won’t feel something until the disease progresses to stage 3. Some may go to see the doctor but some may not. Stage 3 is the high-risk period for Diabetics and requires immediate treatments. Early symptoms could help tell the disease.

Swelling around eyelid or face occurs especially in the morning and probably disappears in the afternoon. Puffiness aggravates after overwork, but relieves after having a rest. Swelling becomes an early as well as common symptom in people with either DN or other kidney diseases. a persistent swelling definitely needs your serious attention and timely treatments.

Elevated blood pressure occurs commonly in people with DN or Diabetes. Headache, dizziness, blurred vision and tinnitus develops. Some people, however, live with hypertension for a long time but with no discomforts. Therefore, measuring the blood pressure means a lot.

Back pain tortures them.

Drastically decreased or increased urine production or bubble urine appears. Frequent urination at night can be the most possible symptom of diabetic kidney disease.

Weakness, poor appetite or pale face with unexplained reason

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