Saturday, March 2, 2013

Overview of Renal Failure

Renal Failure refers to kidney damages caused by various reasons, which leads to the loss of filtering ability in nephrons. When your kidneys lose their normal function, they can no longer balance fluids and electrolytes as well as metabolic products in human body, which responsible for high blood pressure, metabolic acidosis or uremia syndrome. All in all, Renal Failure describes a pathological condition that your kidneys partially or completely lose their function. According to the speed of its onset, Renal Failure can be divided into two types: Chronic and Acute Renal Failure.

Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic Renal Failure formally called Chronic Kidney Injury. According to its assessment of kidney function, Chronic Renal Failure can be explained in two aspects—general and narrow concepts. Chronic Renal Failure is caused by a variety of chronic kidney diseases in general concept. Various kidney diseases diminish the functions of excretion and secretion as well as regulatory ability, and cause the imbalance of water and electrolytes, all those cause azotemia.

In other words, the renal insufficiency in the whole compensated stage can be collectively called Chronic Renal Failure. On the other hand, narrow concept of Chronic Renal Failure refers to serum creatinine≥442μmol/L in compensated stage of chronic renal insufficiency.

Acute Renal Failure

Acute Renal Failure is also called acute uremia. Acute Renal Failure is a group of syndromes caused by renal or extrarenal pathological changes which is responsible for the sudden decline of metabolic products excreted by kidneys, abilities to balance water, electrolytes and acid-base.

Causes of Acute Renal Failure:

1) Prerenal oliguria, i.e. serious shortage in effective blood volume

2) Renal oliguria

Renal Oliguria occurs in severe glomerulonephritis, aminoglycoside antibiotics, serious systemic infections, hemolysis and biotoxins etc.

3) Postrenal oliguria

It occurs in acute urinary tract obstruction.

Clinical symptoms:

1) Oliguric or anuric phase

2) Phase of diuresis

3) Recovery phase

Our approach for Renal Failure—Immunotherapy

There are six steps of Immunotherapy.

Step No.1 Provides an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis for the disease.

Step No.2 Adopts brand-new medicines

Step No.3 Immune tolerance stage

Help your kidneys accept the fact that immune complexes deposit in the kidneys aiming to prevent the reoccurrence of immoderate inflammatory reaction which is called immune tolerance.

Step No.4 Immune-regulation phase in which give patients immune-regulation treatment.

Step No.5 Immune protection stage

Step No.6 Immune clearance

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