Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How to Reduce High Creatinine Levels Effectively

Creatinine is a substance produced by muscular activity when creatine phosphate is broken down. As a waste product, it is filtered from the blood by the kidneys, and so high creatinine levels in the blood can often indicate the kidney malfunction.

Normal range of serum creatinine

A creatinine level is the measurement of the amount of creatinine in a sample of blood. Normal range levels for male are 0.6~1.2ml/dL. For females, the normal range is between 0.5~1.1mg/dL.
Serum creatinine is an important blood test in diagnosing kidney disease, especially when you have elevated high creatinine in the blood and low creatinine in the urine at the same time.

What causes high creatinine levels in kidney disease?

A change in kidney function is the most common cause of high creatinine levels in the blood. Our kidneys are composed of approximately one million filters for each kidney, called nephrons. One nephron contains a glomerular-and tubule unit. Most creatinine is normally excreted out along these filtering units, so we can maintain the low blood creatinine levels.

In kidney disease, the renal nephrons are damaged, so the filtrating units fail to expel the creatinine in the blood stream adequately, resulting in elevated creatinine levels. Diabetes and chronic high blood pressure are common causes of diminished kidney function.

How to reduce high creatinine levels effectively?

We have found that the causes of high creatinine levels in kidney disease are due to damages to the nephrons, so in order to lower it effectively, we must repair the impaired nephrons and recover the kidney function.

Here, we'd like to introduce a natural remedy which can help you reduce high creatinine levels, known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This natural treatment combines traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) with modern medical technology, and have been clinically used in our hospital to treat high creatinine and kidney disease successfully.

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